1. Strategic Studies for Artificial Islands in the Central Waters
Four meetings of the Public Works Subcommittee were held to discuss the funding request on the strategic studies for artificial islands in the central waters between Hong Kong Island and Lantau. At the meeting on 25 June, more than 250 proposed motions regarding this item were received. As Chairman of the PWSC, I reiterated to the members that it is important for me to strike a balance between respecting the right of individual member to propose motions and ensuring orderly, fair and proper conducting of the meeting. I drew a line to stop receiving new proposed motions. Most of the motions are negatived, leaving about 60 motions to be dealt with when the meeting resumes after the summer break.
2. Study for Topside Development at Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) Island of Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge (HZMB)
Three meetings of the PWSC were held to discuss the funding request on the study for topside development at Hong Kong boundary crossing facilities island of Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge. The funding proposal of $61.9 million is for carrying out a planning, engineering and architectural study and investigation works at HKBCF island of HZMB. The funding request was passed at the PWSC meeting on 18 June.
3. Report of the Subcommittee to Study the Proposed Legislative Amendments Relating to the Establishment of the New Innovation and Technology Bureau
As Chairman of the Subcommittee to Study the Proposed Legislative Amendments Relating to the Establishment of a New Innovation and Technology Bureau, I reported on the deliberations of the Subcommittee at the House Committee meeting on 20 June. The Subcommittee has held two meetings with the administration to examine the proposed resolution. Most members of the Subcommittee support the proposed establishment of the ITB to sustain the development of innovation and technology of Hong Kong in the long run. In the course of deliberation, members have raised concerns about alternatives to the establishment of the ITB, the proposed structure and functions of the ITB, the commencement date and the legal and drafting aspects of the proposed resolution. The Subcommittee raised no objection to the proposed resolution and will not move any amendment to the revised version of the proposed resolution. The amendments will be discussed at the LegCo meeting in July.
4. Invoke P&P Ordinance to Investigate the Delay of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link
A motion under the Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance to invoke its special powers to investigate the delay to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) was put forward at the LegCo meeting on 11 June. The motion was moved to urge the Council to appoint a select committee to inquire into whether the MTR Corporation has covered up the progress and causes of delay in the construction of the Hong Kong section of the XRL, and whether there are any problems with the Government and the MTR Corporation in supervising and co-ordinating the construction of the Hong Kong section of XRL. I expressed at the meeting that such inquiry would lead to even longer delays and as an internal investigation by the MTR Corporation will be released in July and the Government has set up an independent expert panel to examine MTR operations and their relationship with government officials, I did not support the motion. Eventually, the motion was negatived.
5. Northeast New Territories (NENT) Development Plan
Seven meetings of Finance Committee were held, using 30 hours to discuss on a HK$340-million initial funding for the Northeast New Territories (NENT) development plan. The plan is about development of housing for 173,000 Hong Kong people, with 60 per cent of the housing units being public rental or subsidised. The initial funding is for undertaking detailed design and site investigation for the advance site formation and engineering infrastructure works at the Kwu Tung North new development area and Fanling North new development area. I support this plan which will benefit the whole community. The funding proposal was passed at the Finance Committee meeting on 27 June.
6. Forums on Future Fuel Mix for Electricity Generation
A forum on future fuel mix was held by the Business and Professionals Alliance for Hong Kong on 9 June. Together with 16 participating organizations, my legislative office organized another forum jointly with the Hong Kong Project Management Exchange Centre on this subject on 16 June. Mr KS Wong, Secretary for the Environment, representatives from the two power companies and academia were invited as the guest speakers for the two events. Participants joined the two forums had a fruitful and stimulating exchange of views on future energy solution for Hong Kong.
7. Young Engineers Delegation to Sichuan Province
I led a delegation with young engineers to visit Ya’an City, Lushan County and Yingxiu Town in Sichuan Province from 21 to 24 June. We visited the reconstruction points in Lushan that were damaged in the Lushan Earthquake on 20 April, 2013, and met the Ya’an Municipal Government to discuss the reconstruction strategies. We also visited Yingxiu Town which is rebuilt after the severe Wenchuan Earthquake on 12 May 2008.
Longxing Center School in Lushan County, survived the 4•12 Lushan Earthquake
( reconstruction
project funded by HK Government )

Xuankou Secondary School in Yingsiu Town, ruined in the 5•12 Wenchuan Earthquake